Hey boomer - don't become the old fart Gen Z is complaining about
You may recall from the last blog my push-back against the pejorative "OK Boomer." It’s demeaning and dismissive, but is it entirely...
Hey boomer - don't become the old fart Gen Z is complaining about
I've had enough of 'OK Boomer'
The Tale of Two Neils: firing the slacker version for a brighter tomorrow
Writers vs robots: why good writers still beat AI
Deep Work: a superpower for success
Did COVID derail last year’s resolutions? 2021 can be your “do-over”
Time for a reboot when pandemic is over
Tune in to 'self care' during these turbulent times
Using time wisely to craft your better post-COVID self
'Win your day' with a good morning routine
Making the most of your time at home during COVID
What to charge: don’t get caught in a race to the bottom
It's high time to upgrade my diet or face 'dad bod'